


Thomas Poppelgaard

CEO and independent Technology Architect 


Thomas is a CEO and independent Technology Architect and has run his own company Poppelgaard.com for 11 years.

 Thomas deals with consulting, advisory, business development, strategy, project management, pre-analysis, sizing, pre-sales, architectural design, planning, implementation and troubleshooting of solutions within Microsoft, Citrix, VMware, Nutanix,  NVIDIA, AMD and Intel.

 He is deeply involved in Proof of Concepts to prove the business benefits of adopting new technologies.

 Thomas is also specialized in Data Analysis, AI, GPU, HPC, EUC, IoT, Cloud, Datacenter, APM, DevOpS, Automation, End User Computing, App Virtualization, Desktop Virtualization, Rendering, Server Virtualization, Graphics Virtualization, Security and Visual computing.

 Thomas is active in various advisory boards, boards and committees.

 Thomas is recognised in the industry within GPUs and workload acceleration. He has received awards from NVIDIA, Microsoft, VMware, Citrix and Parallels, among others.

 Thomas is known as a keynote speaker and resident speaker at several major conferences abroad (NVIDIA GTC, AIday, Autodesk AU, HPE Discovery, Citrix Synergy, VMware Explore, CopenX)


Oplæg: Apple Pro Vision Demonstration med Thomas Poppelgaard

Thomas Poppelgaard inviterer til en eksklusiv live demonstration af Apple Vision Pro, Apples første spatial computer, der er bygget til at bringe digital interaktion til næste niveau. Gennem Vision Pros imponerende teknologi som “Apple Persona” oplever du, hvordan machine learning og sensorer muliggør en digital tvilling, der i realtid afspejler dine ansigtsudtryk og mimik. Det er et teknologisk kvantespring, som giver en naturlig og engagerende oplevelse i online møder og kommunikation. Dette oplæg er for dig, der vil opleve fremtidens digitale interaktion – i dag.

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